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/ Interplay's Learn to Program Basic (Review Copy) / Learn to Program Basic Review Copy (Interplay)(June 23, 1998).ISO / pc / ltpbasic / refxmpl / subroutn.bas < prev    next >
BASIC Source File  |  1998-04-07  |  336b  |  25 lines

  1. CLS
  2. x = 100
  3. y = 100
  4. Gosub DrawHappyFace
  5. x = 250
  6. y = 180
  7. Gosub DrawHappyFace
  8. End
  10. DrawHappyFace:
  11. Rem Draw Head
  12. Color 126 ' Old Yeller
  13. FillCircle x,y,50
  14. Rem Draw Mouth
  15. Color 21 ' Black #6
  16. Circle x,y+10,30
  17. Color 126 ' Old Yeller
  18. FillCircle x,y+8,30
  19. Rem Draw Eyes
  20. Color 21 ' Black #6
  21. FillCircle x-20,y-20,10
  22. FillCircle x+20,y-20,10
  23. return